Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rembering a mans love for his wife.

Starting this blog has for some reason brought back some memories from my past.  I had worked for several years in the mid to late 90's as a hospice nurse.  The challenges were to numerous to count and the rewards which at times seemed so small felt like golden stars from heaven  whose warm rays were comforting.  Late one night, I received a call that one of my patients was actively dying,  Her primary care giver was her elderly spouse.  He was responsible to keep her comfortable and medicated from pain.  It was dark and the crisp evening desert air gave me a chill as I rang their door bell.  The elderly spouse answered the door and escorted me to the bedroom where the body of his lifeless wife lie. He pulled from the dresser top a note book, a journal of sorts.  Numerous entries such as times care had been provided, meals and drink offered and pain medication administered.  The last entry stated:  1135pm Leila is gone!  This inexpensive notebook filled with paper was this mans first step in his healing and grieving the death of his beloved Leila.

Paper is powerful!

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